
© Cristina Batlan
photo: © Cristina Batlan


Cristina Bâtlan

Cristina Bâtlan, known as Madam Musette, is the leading designer and owner of the Romanian brand that manufactures shoes and handbags in Huşi, Romania and sells them in New York, Paris, London, and other fashion capitals worldwide. For two decades the Musette brand has been considered a synonym of elegance in the USA, France, Israel, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Mongolia, among others.

Her creative journey began with shoes – Bâtlan says that she adores shoes – she loves accessories, so her dream has always been to dedicate her life to creating them. She applies an intuitive approach to all her collections, without doing a lot of research prior to beginning;, she prefers to feel the direction that she wants to go in instead. Cristina believes that every designer must apply their holistic experience and observe how it transforms up to the last day of creation, because according to her people evolve over 6-month cycles.