
© Fox Magazine
photo: © Fox Magazine


Teodora Aleksandrova and Dimitar Sulev

With their brand Demobaza Teodora Aleksandrova and Dimitar Sulev have dressed the likes of Beyonce, worked with Marvel and Netflix, and presented at fashion shows in Los Angeles. They have their own showroom in Paris, and last year, they multiplied their earning threefold. 

Both creators developed their fashion sense as children. Teodora’s grandmother was a seamstress, so the little girl’s favourite game was to arrange the buttons at her granny’s atelier. Later, she began ruining her mother’s dresses (including the bridal one) – she remodelled them and created her own clothes. Dimitar’s adventure began back when he was in second grade and asked his mother to make fringes for his pants so that he can look like a cowboy.