photo: ©Darin Madzharov
Darin Madzharov
https://ucha.se/ , a lot of the students in Bulgaria know this online platform very well. It contains video lessons and exercises for students from 1st to 12th grade on all subjects and was created in 2012 by Darin Madzharov. Darin interrupted his doctoral studies in Belgium to go back to Bulgaria and develop the platform professionally.
It all began when his sister needed help with her natural science studies, so he had to step in remotely. He started recording explanations of the lessons and that’s how the first videos came about. The girl showed them to her classmates who also watched them and started approaching him for help. Consequently, he started making more video explanations and uploading them to the internet. Up until the moment when some of the youngsters were getting mad that he doesn’t cover all lessons in all subjects, and he read the message: ‘’I have a 2 (the lowest possible grade) because of you.’’