Empowering women in intellectual property: A journey towards gender equality and innovation

The imperative for gender equality in IP

Gender equality is one of the fundamental aims of the European Union and an imperative in all walks of life, including in the field of intellectual property.

Let’s take for example women designers – such as Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897-2000), best known for her Frankfurt Kitchen design, or Eileen Gray (1878-1976), a versatile designer known for her modernist furniture and ground-breaking architectural work – who have for long been leaving their mark on the world. And yet, a recent EUIPO study highlights the persistent gender gap in the world of design. Only 24% of designers in the EU are women, earning on average 12.8% less than their male counterparts. This is a loss for society as a whole, stifling potential innovation and economic growth.

Moreover, the number of women innovators is still considerably smaller than that of men. According to a study released by the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2022, fewer than 1 in 7 inventors in Europe are women. The study also highlights that while the women inventor rate in Europe has been rising in recent decades (up from only 2% in the late 1970s to 13.2% in 2019), a strong gender gap remains.

Confronting gender disparities in the IP sector

Through various events and initiatives, the EUIPO aims to raise awareness and inspire future generations of women and girls to become inventors, creators and leaders.

In the world of design, there are many stories of inclusivity and innovation . Maria Benzkton, the latest DesignEuropa Awards (DEA) Lifetime Achievement winner, embodies the essence of inclusive design — design that considers human factors, aims for independence, and serves the people.

The EUIPO’s efforts to bridge the gap include participating in initiatives such as the Girls Go Circular initiative,  which supports schoolgirls aged 14-19 to develop their digital and leadership skills while learning about the circular economy and finding solutions for a sustainable future.

The EUIPO organised in 2023 a training session on IP for teachers from 19 EU Member States at the 2023 edition of the Women and Girls in STEM Forum which aims to inspire and support future generations of women innovators. These are steps in the right direction, but they also highlight the pressing need for systemic change to achieve true gender equality in the IP area.

Empowering women through EUIPO’s Strategic Plan 2030

The upcoming Strategic Plan 2030 (SP2030) presents an opportunity to tackle these disparities head-on, aiming to fundamentally transform the IP ecosystem to be more inclusive and empowering for women. Following a wide internal and external consultation process, contributions from stakeholders, IP experts and citizens are being currently analysed and will be discussed in an extensive exchange during the first semester of 2024.

The IP community needs to create an environment where women's contributions to IP are recognised, valued, and celebrated equally. Through the SP2030, the EUIPO, its stakeholders and the IP community at large can envision a future where women are not only participants but leaders in driving innovation and creativity. Together, they can pave the way for a future where gender equality and innovation go hand in hand, benefiting not just women but society as a whole.

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
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