WIPO Global Awards 2024: Celebrating World-Changing Innovations in Health, Climate Tech, and Advanced Technology

Nine SMEs and startups with products ranging from 3D-printed bone implants to waste sorting robots and AI-powered brain injury scanners are this year’s winners of the WIPO Global Awards.

Launched in 2022, WIPO Global Awards reward innovative, creative individuals and smaller companies using intellectual property (IP) for business success as well as a catalyst for economic and social impact.

A panel of eight international jurors selected the 2024 winners out of more than 660 SMEs and startup applicants that applied from 107 countries.

The winners of this year’s competition are from Argentina, China, Kenya, the Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, and Türkiye. Their innovations in health, agri-food, and quantum technology show how IP drives progress and enhances quality of life across the globe.


Globally, SMEs make up more than 90% of all businesses, but many of them are still not fully harnessing the power of IP to grow their business. This award however celebrates those that are doing so and demonstrates that IP is not just for business growth but can also make a positive difference to the world. So let me congratulate the winners of this year’s awards, thank them for showcasing to other SMEs the power of IP  and wish them the best in their future journey ,WIPO Director General Daren Tang

Director General Tang presented awards to the winners on July 12, 2024, during the 65th WIPO Assemblies. During the event, the winners expressed said they were eagerly anticipating WIPO’s support in helping them optimize the IP commercialization system and expand market access for their innovations.

The WIPO Global Awards are dedicated to SMEs and startups from a wide range of industrial sectors that making smart use of intellectual property for commercialization of products and services while also bringing a positive contribution to society through their innovation and creativity. The winners of the awards benefit from:

  • Tailored 1:1 mentoring on strategies for the commercialization of IP assets, including fundraising and commercial partnership opportunities.
  • International promotion and visibility across various business audiences.
  • Attendance to the prestigious Awards Ceremony and networking events in Geneva, with travel expenses covered.
  • Access to WIPO network and resources for IP management advisory.

Meet the 2024 WIPO Global Awards Winners:

AETECH – Republic of Korea

Many countries lack good systems for handling and sorting waste, which means that plastic, paper, aluminum, e-waste, glass… millions of tons of our waste pile up in landfills or in the natural environment while they could be recycled. AETECH’s robot uses AI deep learning technologies to sort recyclable waste. It learns to accurately identify and categorize waste into 46 subcategories. This efficient solution can sort twice the amount of material a person can handle, offering municipalities and recycling sorting companies cost savings of up to 2.8 times compared to manual sorting. AETECH’s substantial IP portfolio will support their expansion from Korea into Europe, Middle East, Australia, and Southeast Asia.

Farmer Lifeline Technologies – Kenya

Farmer Lifeline developed a proprietary solar-powered device that uses AI and machine learning-enabled cameras to detect crop pests and diseases at an early stage. These devices then send timely notifications to farmers via text message along with the precise solutions they should use, allowing them to increase their farm yields by up to 40% and reduce crop losses by up to 30%. Farmer Lifeline not only enhances climate resilience for small-scale farmers by providing climate-friendly notifications but also enables farmers to better adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change, thus improving their overall sustainability and productivity. The Farmer Lifeline devices are currently being used in over 5,100 farms in Kenya, with 60% of the users of the technology being women.

Healinno Tech – China

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition where the prostate gland gets larger than normal, which causes problems with urination and discomfort. With 94 million BPH patients worldwide expected to require surgery in the next decade, and only 500,000 surgeries currently performed, there is a significant unmet demand. Healinno Tech's automated waterjet ablation surgical robot facilitates treatments, thanks to its multi-dimensional ultrasound image-based planning, precise water jet control and automated surgical operation. With strong skills in IP management, the company now envisions a group strategy, registering individual products in different group subsidiaries to facilitate the evaluation of the products’ value.

Laboratorios Química Luar – Argentina

Pneumonia is the single largest infectious cause of death in children worldwide (source: World Health Organization). To cure respiratory conditions, Laboratorios Química Luar specializes in the development of innovative pharmaceutical products such as their ibuprofen-based formula that can be nebulized in the form of a mist inhaled into lungs. It becomes particularly interesting for complex and underserved conditions such as COVID-19 and Cystic Fibrosis. Laboratorios Química Luar's IP strategy focuses on robust protection of inventions with an emphasis on comprehensive IP management guided by international standards (ISO 56005).

Meticuly – Thailand

As life expectancy rises, the number of bone replacements is expected to increase dramatically over coming decades. Yet today, surgeons often use pre-sized, ready-to-fit implants that might not perfectly match the patient's unique anatomy. Meticuly has created 3D-printed bone replacements, employing an AI-powered CT scan to design titanium implants that perfectly fit any patient. This significantly improves patients’ quality of life and saves doctors’ time and effort compared to traditional methods. The company has secured its intellectual property with 36 patents in 10 countries, 18 trademarks, over 15 trade secrets, and 2 copyrights, ensuring global operational freedom.

PONS Technology – Türkiye

In many rural contexts, people simply don’t have access to imaging services early enough to get the appropriate care they need, and in the US alone, 70% of chronic diseases could be solved by a simple ultrasound preventive care. PONS’s medical technology allows health professionals to unlock ultrasound imaging outside hospital settings. It can be featured on any device, without the need for costly new hardware or on-site imaging experts. In Nigerian villages, this technology reduced pregnancy complications from 45% to 25% within just one month. The patented system is supported by a large pharmaceutical company, which helps PONS grow its business internationally.

Qnami – Switzerland

In order for society to always be more efficient, electronic components of phones, computers, processors have been getting smaller. From the initial 0.35 micrometers to today’s microchips of 3 nanometers, chips keep shrinking! and it has become more and more difficult to manufacture. Qnami has developed the first microscope made of synthetic diamond, using quantum sensing, to accurately measure the ultra-small. The innovation allows manufacturers to visualize matter at the state of a single electron, as well as its magnetic properties. Qnami’s IP strategy focuses on obtaining key patents to secure significant funding, totaling 8M CHF dilutive and 4M CHF non-dilutive to date.

ScansX – Kuwait

More than 3 billion people worldwide were living with a neurological condition in 2021, a figure that has increased by 18% since 1990. “It is more important than ever to ensure brain health is better understood, valued and protected, from early childhood to later life.” said WHO Director-General in March 2024 (source: World Health Organization). ScansX is revolutionizing brain injury diagnostic procedures by replacing or complementing MRIs with a portable, non-invasive brain scanner. With the power of artificial intelligence, it detects early signs of brain hemorrhages and tumors. ScansX leverages its patents and trademarks through licensing agreements globally.

Vivo Surgical – Singapore

Natural disasters and global conflicts result in thousands being hurt or displaced. Field hospitals are set-up in tents and shelters, where electricity supply is frequently disrupted or non-existent, to support advanced interventions like surgical care. Vivo Surgical addresses this by developing medical devices that enhance surgeon’s clinician performance. From a battery-powered surgical lighting device to an add-on to any existing endoscope that transforms it into a high-precision surgical tool, Vivo Surgical improves the ability of surgeons to perform complex surgeries with greater ease and speed. Vivo Surgical’s strong IP foundations have resulted in a commercial presence in over 20 countries internationally.
