New Infographic & Animated Clip on Brand Monitoring

To safeguard the newly registered trademark and effectively address any potential infringement, it is crucial to detect instances of "unauthorised use." This requires ongoing monitoring of the brand following the registration.

Brand monitoring detects unauthorised use of trademarks online and offline, gives an early warning of potential infringements and helps protect the brand as well as reputation. There are four types of monitoring:

  1. Trademark watch: Monitors trademark registers for identical or similar trademark applications.
  2. Domain name watch: Monitors unauthorised domain name registrations that contain your trademark or a confusingly similar word.
  3. Online market watch: Monitors mentions, keywords, hashtags and uses of your trademarks on social media, marketplaces, and search engines.
  4. Offline market watch: Monitors unauthorised use of your trademarks in the physical world.

European IP Helpdesk team recently published a new video clip and an infographic focusing on key activities and recommendations related to brand monitoring, helping you protect your brand and reputation.

Source d'information
European IP Helpdesk