Young people from 5 countries are competing for the prize in the 2 Truths and 1 Lie game of IP Join

In the last days of the 2 Truths and 1 Lie game of the IP Join campaign young people from Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, France and Ireland are competing for the prize. The game period is until 28 April, inclusive. Participants with high scores who have taken the intellectual property rights protection and counterfeit industry knowledge challenge are growing in number, which demonstrates serious interest and the excellent skills of the youngsters as responsible consumers. 

Until the 28th of April everybody on the territory of Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, France, and Ireland who pass through the 5 levels of the game, will have the opportunity to win a pair of wireless headphones and other material prizes.

Register, accept the terms and conditions of the game, and challenge your knowledge of intellectual property rights protection, the fakes industry, and your skills of recognising the authentic brands and products! 

The resources in the News, Faces, Pictionary, and Vlog sections, as well as the ‘Did you know’ rubric on the website of the campaign will give clues to the game players. 

The champions of intellectual property will compete for:

  • I prize: wireless headphones
  • II prize: bundle containing a t-shirt, pencil case, pin, and a reflective bracelet 
  • III prize: bundle containing a t-shirt, pencil case, pin, and a reflective bracelet

The winners will be announced on the website and social media channels of the campaign on the 29th of April. 

In the case of an even score, the winner will be determined with a draw. All participants and winners of the game consent to have their names announced publicly on social media and the online platform. The team will contact the winners to receive their prizes via the specified email that they used to register for the game.

Source d'information
IP Join
IP Join