Did you know that…the confiscated counterfeit products could be recycled?

The common bottle of perfume is composed of glass, foil, paper, and liquid content. When is it recycled, the paper (label) is removed and recycled into new paper or cardboard. The foil and glass are also recycled for subsequent use, and the liquid is used for either multipurpose cleaning products or it could also be burned for reaching higher temperatures, wherever necessary.

REACT is a non-profit organisation that unites 280 copyrighters from all around the world in the fight against the illegal trade of counterfeit goods. It comprises a massive international network with strategically positioned offices and partners that protect the rights over intellectual property.

As a reaction to the climate changes and depletion of natural resources, REACT made the recycling of confiscated counterfeit goods its top priority. Many of them consist of base materials such as plastic, metal, wires, etc. After the products are disassembled, those materials are recycled and transformed into products with market value. This is a much more constructive method than mere destruction, which is expensive and pollutes the environment.

The latest initiative of the organisation is REACT SUSTAINS – it aims to develop partnerships with customs authorities to fortify their capacity of detecting fake products and handing them over for recycling.