Congratulations to the winners of the 'Smash the vlogoteque' game!

Two participants in Bulgaria and one in Portugal are the winners of our game - 'Smash the vlogoteque'! They are the lucky fellows who will receive prizes for successfully completing the challenge of answering correctly to the questions to the vlogs.

We randomly drew the winners from the names of those participants from the 5 European countries who managed to get 3 points on the questions to every episode that they played. They addresses are as follows:
  • d**** - Philips wireless speaker;
  • M**** - а bundle containing a t-shirt, pencil case, pin, and a reflective bracelet;
  • F****** - bundle containing a pencil case, pin, and a reflective bracelet.

They will be contacted for receiving their prizes.

A big thank you to all 'smashers' of our vlogoteque! We hope that you managed to steal some more knowledge and loaded yourselves with the skills required to uncover fakes and protect intellectual property! Our vlog, where you can find more interesting topics, is updated every week, so stay tuned!

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