Do you know that...the manufacturing of fake goods is moving towards Europe

Although most fake goods that are being sold in Europe have been produced outside of the EU, there are indications that a part of this manufacture is occurring within the borders of the member states. The last published assessment by Europol of threats of crimes against intellectual property shows that the more frequent cases of detention of counterfeit packaging materials and semi-manufactured goods are a clear indication for the existence of production operations.

It is known that the criminal networks which organise the import and distribution of counterfeit goods in the EU act mainly outside its borders where the larger part of their production facilities are located. In 2020 about 66 million counterfeit and pirate goods were detained, which continue to endanger the health and safety of the European citizens. 

Most falsified goods are clothes, accessories, and luxury products, along with electronic devices and components, cosmetics, foods, and drinks. The clothes and accessories are often advertised through direct online sales, videos, and paid advertisements on social media about deceitful promotion offers or branded products sold for a very low price. Mobile phones and their accessories and components are also highly affected by intellectual property infringement of designs and trademarks.

The sale of counterfeit food products, especially of drinks, becomes increasingly sophisticated and convincing, making it more likely for users to be scammed.

Europol reports on counterfeiting and product piracy