Did you know that?


Did you know that…the confiscated counterfeit products could be recycled?

The common bottle of perfume is composed of glass, foil, paper, and liquid content. When is it recycled, the paper (label) is removed and recycled into new paper or cardboard.
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Eirien, Flickr

Did you know that the intellectual property rights of the Barbie brand are worth 701 million dollars?

Barbie was invented by Ruth Handler who is the co-founder of the toy manufacturing company Mattel. The first prototype of the doll was patented in 1961.
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Do you know that...the manufacturing of fake goods is moving towards Europe

Although most fake goods that are being sold in Europe have been produced outside of the EU, there are indications that a part of this manufacture is occurring within the borders
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Did you know… about the FAKE collection?

While most fashion brands believe that counterfeit products are the worst enemy of their business, Gucci decided to use its imitations as an inspiration for the ‘Fake/Not’ collection.
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© Polymagou

Do you know that… In Paris there is a Counterfeit Museum?

Legendary luxury brands of designer clothing, accessories, jewellery, and fragrance; works of art, but also everyday life objects like toys, sports shoes, small electrical applian
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