Introducing the EUIPO DesignEuropa Awards Jury for 2024

In anticipation of the fifth edition of the DesignEuropa Awards 2024 which will take place in Riga, Latvia, we present the expert panel on our jury, who will be responsible for selecting the finalists of the DesignEuropa Awards and awarding the winners of The Industry Award, The Entrepreneurs and Small Companies Award, The Lifetime Achievement Award and, the brand-new category, The Next Generation Design Award.

This esteemed panel brings together a wealth of experience, knowledge, and passion, designed to provide the very best judging process possible and uphold the standards of excellence at the DesignEuropa Awards. It comprises both new and returning jury members, winners of previous editions, design lawyers, and heads of prestigious IP institutions and associations.

Without further ado, lets introduce the esteemed jury members:

Lorenzo Imbesi President, The Global Association of Art and Design Education and Research (Cumulus). Chairperson.

Agris Batalauskis Director, Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia

Ajda Bertok Designer and Co-founder, Remigo, winner in the "small and emerging companies" category of the DesignEuropa Awards 2023

Michal Bonikowski Industrial Designer, finalist in the "small and emerging companies" category of the DesignEuropa Awards 2021

António Campinos President, European Patent Office

Raffaella Mangiarotti Designer and Co-founder, Deepdesign, winner in the "industry" category of the DesignEuropa Awards 2023

Christina Melander President, Bureau of European Design Associations

Hiroshi Okutomi Head, Hague Legal Affairs Section, The Hague Registry, World Intellectual Property Organization

David Stone Global Head of Intellectual Property, Allen & Overy

Päivi Tahkokallio Founder, Tahkokallio Design+, Chairperson of DesignEuropa 2021 Jury

Isabelle Vérilhac Founder, Design With Isabelle, Chairperson of DesignEuropa 2023 Jury

Charlotte von der Lancken, Founder and Designer, CVDLAB


The applications for the DesignEuropa Awards are open until 15 March 2024. Wish you all luck!
