Sofia Fashion Week hosts ‘Fight Fake’ show to combat counterfeiting


Sofia Fashion Week became the stage for a significant discussion on counterfeiting within the fashion industry on 29 March, through the 'Fight Fake' fashion show. This initiative, led by Greek designer John Pan and supported by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), aimed to shed light on the importance of intellectual property awareness to combat the proliferation of fashion counterfeits.

The event featured twenty-four models who showcased John Pan's unique designs, each piece carrying messages about the dangers of counterfeit fashion. This collaboration sought to primarily educate a younger audience about the value of IP rights, including designs, trademarks, and copyrights, in maintaining the industry's creativity.

Educating youth is key in fight against counterfeits

With over 500 attendees, including key figures from the fashion sector, the 'Fight Fake' campaign demonstrated its wide-reaching impact. 


João Negrão, Executive Director of EUIPO, underscored the significance of such collaborative efforts in educating the youth about the importance of originality and IP rights. He stated, "Working together is essential in the battle against counterfeits and IP infringements, making campaigns like 'Fight Fake' vital."

The 'Fight Fake' initiative builds on the success of earlier events designed to raise consumer awareness about the negative effects of counterfeit designs and the critical need to respect the IP rights of creators. Previous activities include a fashion show at the Athens Xclusive Designers Week in 2019 in partnership with the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation, and a 'guerrilla' campaign in 2023, conducted with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) as part of MADRID es MODA, featuring models parading through Madrid's centre with campaign slogans.
This ongoing campaign against counterfeiting underscores the commitment by the EUIPO and the fashion industry to protecting intellectual property rights and fostering an environment where creativity can flourish now and into the future.

Sofia Fashion Week