EU public consultation on the state of intellectual property in third countries

In the framework of the European Union’s Strategy for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Third Countries, the European Commission (DG Trade) has launched a targeted consultation in order to gather information on the state of intellectual property protection and enforcement in third countries.

The main objectives of this consultation are to identify third countries in which the state of IPR protection and enforcement gives rise to the highest level of concern, and to update the list of so-called 'priority countries'. The targeted consultation will be one of the tools used to help improve the IPR systems in third countries. It will help the Commission focus its efforts and resources on priority countries and on specific areas of concern, with the aim of improving IPR protection and enforcement worldwide.

The results of this consultation will also enable rights holders to gain awareness of potential risks to their IP when engaging in business activities in the priority countries. The consultation will thus allow them to design business strategies and operations to protect their IP rights.

Deadline: 6 September 2024, 23:59 (CEST)

For further details please visit the survey.

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Ivan Samkov, Pexels