

Congratulations to the winners of the 'Smash the vlogoteque' game!

Two participants in Bulgaria and one in Portugal are the winners of our game - 'Smash the vlogoteque'!
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IP Join at Familatlon 2024, Bulgaria

8th of June, South Park, Sofia
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Reeed – the winner in the Two Truths and a Lie game of IP Join

Congratulations to the intellectual property champions in the IP Join Two Truths and a Lie prize-winning game!
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Young people from 5 countries are competing for the prize in the 2 Truths and 1 Lie game of IP Join

In the last days of the 2 Truths and 1 Lie game of the IP Join campaign young people from Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, France and Ireland are competing for the prize.
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Become a champion of intellectual property and win a prize!

To mark the World Intellectual Property Day – 26th of April – the game ‘Two truths and a lie’ will give away prizes! 
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